App Configuration

App settings for Passkey Flex

Creating an Application

To get started, create an app in the Passage Console.

  1. From the app dashboard, click "Create New App"

  2. Fill out the required fields and hit Submit

Flex-Specific Configuration

There are a few configurations we recommend when using Passkey Flex.

  1. Disable public signups. Public signups are enabled by default, so you will need to change in Authentication -> Login Settings.

  1. Email usernames only. This is the default setting, so no action is required. At this time only email identifiers are supported with Passage Express.

  2. Set session timeout to a short duration. In an Express application, you will ideally use Passage authentication tokens to exchange them for a legacy auth token. In this case, you can set the session timeout of Passage tokens so something short, like 60 seconds. You can change your token expiration in Authentication -> Session Management.

Last updated

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