
Here are a few example authorizers to get you started. Most applications will use a variation on one of these methods.

Example: JWT Verification using JWKs

In this case, the legacy authentication method uses JWTs. The public key to verify the JWTs can be retrieved from a public JWKS endpoint. This code includes two secrets: PASSAGE_API_KEY and PUBLIC_JWKS. The Passage API Key is required for the context.getOrCreateUser() function to work.

import * as jose from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/index.ts";

export default async (event: PassageEvent, context: AuthorizerContext) => {
  const token = context.getAuthHeaderToken();
  if (!token) throw new Error("Missing Authorization header");
  const PUBLIC_JWKS = event.secrets.PUBLIC_JWKS;
  if (!PUBLIC_JWKS) throw new Error("Missing PUBLIC_JWKS secret");
  try {
    const jwks = JSON.parse(PUBLIC_JWKS);
    const JWKS = jose.createLocalJWKSet(jwks);
    const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify(token, JWKS);
    const email = payload.email as string;

    if (email) {
      const passageUser = await context.getOrCreateUser(email);
      // Here you may want to link your User with a PassageUser
      // This can be done by either storing the PassageUser Id in your system
      // Or by storing your User ID as metadata on the Passage User
    } else {
      context.denyAccess("User not found");
  } catch (error) {
Example: JWT Verification using Public Key

In this case, the legacy authentication method uses JWTs. The public key to verify the JWTs can be stored in a secret. This code includes two secrets: PASSAGE_API_KEY and PUBLIC_KEY. The Passage API Key is required for the context.getOrCreateUser() function to work.

import * as jose from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/index.ts";

export default async (event: PassageEvent, context: AuthorizerContext) => {
  const token = context.getAuthHeaderToken();
  if (!token) throw new Error("Missing Authorization header");
  const PUBLIC_KEY= event.secrets.PUBLIC_KEY;
  if (!PUBLIC_KEY) throw new Error("Missing PUBLIC_KEY secret");
  try {
    const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify(token, PUBLIC_KEY);
    const email = payload.email as string;

    if (email) {
      const passageUser = await context.getOrCreateUser(email);
      // Here you may want to link your User with a PassageUser
      // This can be done by either storing the PassageUser Id in your system
      // Or by storing your User ID as metadata on the Passage User
    } else {
      context.denyAccess("User not found");
  } catch (error) {
Example: JWT Verification using JWT Secret

In this case, the legacy authentication method uses JWTs. The JWT Secret can be stored in a secret. This code includes two secrets: PASSAGE_API_KEY and JWT_SECRET. The Passage API Key is required for the context.getOrCreateUser() function to work.

import * as jose from "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/index.ts";

export default async (event: PassageEvent, context: AuthorizerContext) => {
  const token = context.getAuthHeaderToken();
  if (!token) throw new Error("Missing Authorization header");
  const JWT_SECRET = event.secrets.JWT_SECRET;
  if (!JWT_SECRET) throw new Error("Missing JWT_SECRET secret");
  try {
    const secret = new TextEncoder().encode(SUPABASE_JWT_SECRET);
    const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify(token, secret);
    const email = payload.email as string;

    if (email) {
      const passageUser = await context.getOrCreateUser(email);
      // Here you may want to link your User with a PassageUser
      // This can be done by either storing the PassageUser Id in your system
      // Or by storing your User ID as metadata on the Passage User
    } else {
      context.denyAccess("User not found");
  } catch (error) {
Example: Stateful Sessions using an API for Verification

In this case, the legacy authentication method uses stateful sessions that are a random string of bytes. Session tokens are stored in the legacy database and verified when requests are made. To authenticate a user, this authorizer makes an API call to an endpoint that returns the current user’s information based on the legacy session token provided. This code only requires one secret: PASSAGE_API_KEY. The Passage API Key is required for the context.getOrCreateUser() functions to work.

export default async (event: PassageEvent, context: AuthorizerContext) => {
  const token = context.getAuthHeaderToken();
  if (!token) throw new Error("Missing Authorization header");
  try {
    const resp = await fetch(
          headers: {
            Cookie: "session=" + token
    if (resp.redirected) { // or your app may return a different status code
      context.denyAccess("invalid response")
    const data = await resp.json()
    const passageUser = await context.getOrCreateUser(data.email)
    // Here you may want to link your User with a PassageUser
    // This can be done by either storing the PassageUser Id in your system
    // Or by storing your User ID as metadata on the Passage User    
  } catch (err) {

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