Upgrade Passage-Elements to v2

Breaking changes from Passage Elements v1 to v2

PassageUser class deprecated

The PassageUser class has been deprecated as of Passage-Elements v2 in favor of using the updated Passage-JS library directly. Learn more about how to use Passage-JS to manage the currently authenticated user and the associated session here.

When updating to Passage-Elements 2.0 update the following PassageUser methods to these Passage-JS methods:

PassageUser methodPassage-JS method

authGuard(): Promise<boolean>

session.authGuard(): Promise<boolean>

signOut(): Promise<boolean>

session.signOut(): Promise<boolean>

getAuthToken(): Promise<string>

session.getAuthToken(): Promise<string>

refresh(): Promise<string>

session.refresh(): Promise<string>

userInfo(): Promise<PassageUserInfo>

currentUser.userInfo(): Promise<CurrentUser>

Callback updates

Passage-Elements v2 introduces updates to the beforeAuth and onSuccess callbacks.

beforeAuth callback

The beforeAuth callback has new updated types that are now shared with the onSuccess callback. If you are not using TypeScript then your existing beforeAuth callback will continue to work with no additional changes.

The type from Passage-Elements v1 BeforeAuthCallbackType has been renamed to AuthCallbackType and the BeforeAuthCallbackPayload has been renamed to AuthCallbackPayload in v2.

interface Metadata {
    [key: string]: boolean | string | number;
enum AuthCallbackType {
    Login = 'login',
    Register = 'register',
interface AuthCallbackPayload {
    authType?: AuthCallbackType;
    /** Any additional metadata provided by the user. This will only be available on registration. */
    userMetadata?: Metadata;
type BeforeAuthCallback = (identifier: string, payload: AuthCallbackPayload) => boolean;

onSuccess callback

The onSuccess callback has been extended to include additional information about the type of authentication occurring, either login or registration, and any additional metadata provided by the user during registration. The authCallbackPayload has been added as a second parameter to the onSuccess callback which is also used by the beforeAuth callback. Existing implementations of the onSuccess callback will continue to work with no additional changes.

type OnSuccessCallback = (authResult: AuthResult, payload: AuthCallbackPayload) => void;

Learn more

For more information on how to use the beforeAuth and onSuccess callbacks, as well as the new onEvent callback read the guide on Custom logic with callbacks.