WordPress and WooCommerce
Use Passage hosted login page with your Wordpress site
You can use Passage for login on your WordPress and WooCommerce sites using the Passage hosted login page. The Passage hosted login page is an OIDC-compliant authorization server, which can be used with any OIDC client. You can use an OIDC client WordPress plugin like this one to integrate Passage with no code.
Integration Steps
Add the Generic OIDC Client plugin to your WordPress site
Visit this repo and download the plugin. Upload the zip file as a new WordPress plugin and activate it.
There are other OIDC client plugins available that may work as well. We chose this one for demonstration purposes.
Once activated, you will have a new settings option, Settings -> OpenID Connect Client.
Create a Passage app
In the Passage Console, create a new application with the following settings:
- Select “Go fully passwordless”, the “Hosted login page” as the options.

- Finish configuring your application by choosing a name, subdomain for hosting your login page, and a redirect URI.
Once created, you will have a new settings option, Authentication -> Authentication Experience. This contains the fields needed to configure the OIDC client.
Configure the OIDC client to use Passage
In the OpenID Connect Client settings, fill in the fields with the information from Passage. All information needed can be found in the Authentication -> Authentication Experience section of the Passage Console. The required fields are:
- Client ID - found in Passage Console
- Client Secret - found in Passage Console
- Scope - set to
openid email
- Login Endpoint URL -
Authorization URL
in Passage Console - Userinfo Endpoint URL - found in Passage Console
- Token Validation Endpoint URL -
Token URL
in Passage Console - End Session Endpoint URL - set to
Passage Subdomain + /logout
- Identity Key - set to
- Nickname Key - set to
- Enable Refresh Token - if checked, make sure to turn on refresh tokens in Passage (Session Management)
Lastly, at the bottom of the plugin configuration screen it lists the Redirect URL. Copy that value into the Passage as the Redirect URL.

Once saved, your WordPress login page will be live!