Use External SMS Provider

A step by step guide to send Passage related authentication text messages through your own SMS provider.

Passage allows you to configure your own SMS provider to give you more control sending text messages. A few reasons you may want to bring your own provider are:

  • Communicate with your users through a consistent phone number
  • Monitor and troubleshoot SMS communications
  • Send custom messages using SMS templates


Supported providers

Passage currently only supports Twilio (opens in a new tab).

Configure Twilio

Send Passage authentication text messages through your Twilio account.

To get started you can configure your SMS provider in the Passage Console > Branding > SMS Provider (opens in a new tab)Passage page.


Twilio values

Obtain your Account SID (opens in a new tab), API Key & Secret (opens in a new tab), and Messaging Service SID (opens in a new tab) from Twilio.

Passage Settings

From the Passage Console select Twilio as your SMS provider. Enter your Account SID, API Key, API Secret, and Messaging Service SID

Turn on your SMS Provider

Once your SMS provider is ready to send text messages, toggle Use my own SMS provider.

Console configure sms settings for Twilio